Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Missing My Friends!

Since typing with just one hand means I don't often get this page updated, this is just a reminder to join as I am frequently passing on fresh resources on infertility, miscarriage, pregnancy loss, stillbirth, infant death, marriage and adoption there! (Pushing the "share" button to pass along others' resources is much easier than the mental or physical stamina required to type up fresh blog content. I'm happy to highlight what other first post!) PLEASE JOIN US.

Or if you are on Pintrest, you might be interested in some of my boards:


Pregnancy Loss


Also (children may be mentioned), if you wish, you are welcome to follow my stroke journey, people who inspire me, or all of my boards.


My current book project is a devotional by the working title of  Harvesting Hope from Heartache and two theme-inspired pinboards: Harvesting Hope an Fruit of the Spirit.

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